
Okay, I’ve been getting more active on the Don’t Keep Your Day Job Facebook group, and MAN are these folks loving and generous and beautiful! Realized that this little blog might be a good resource for folks over there. Will get it up there soon.

I also put some things into motion for the women’s entrepreneurial mastermind group I’m building. This is a key piece of ‘how a coach builds a business’ – GET SUPPORT. I realized that I need a support network that’s specific to business, and I can provide that support to others as well. I’m intending to meet these women about monthly and we’re all in different places with business – some of us established, some starting on an idea, some still brainstorming. 

You can do this too, even if you’re not a coach! I found a lot of these women on Bumble’s ‘friend’ feature (one or two on Vina, too). A few more I found when I put out a call on Facebook, just to my friends – women I had no idea were interested in entrepreneurship. All you have to do is ask!

When you’re ready to go, there are TONS of resources out there. You can each pick a topic and bring resources to the group. Don’t Keep Your Day Job is a fantastic podcast, as is Online Marketing Made Easy. For marketing, I’d recommend starting with the book Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller. Also, start thinking about how you’ll market your business as you start tossing ideas around – your business idea and your marketing plan should go hand in hand. This is all part of defining your customer base – who are they, and how will you reach them?

If your group feels like you need more direction, you can also talk about hiring a coach to provide this to your mastermind. You may be looking at a moderate fee per person. If I were doing this with a group of 10 people, I’d probably charge $100/person/mo for a presentation each month and an hour-ish spent in Q&A. I’d bring them resources and pieces of  homework each time so they can continue to do the work and move forward in their own time. This would take a good, thoughtful coach who’s experienced in business to coordinate, so take your time in choosing one if you go this route. Coaches should be willing to ‘interview’ pretty thoroughly (obviously don’t be trying to get them to properly coach you for free – gotta be respectful – but if they won’t give you any resources or recommendations before you pay them, I’d move on. That behavior is built on a ‘lack’ mindset and that’s just not where we’re at!).

Also, don’t limit your search to local coaches – if you’re organized enough, you can work directly with the coach to distribute any materials/handouts, and just set up a laptop for your group so a coach can present remotely. Hell, don’t limit your group to local folks! Maybe you have three friends who are entrepreneurs – there are TONS of platforms for remote meetings. Use that tech!

Alright, off to the day job!


Oh – last thing – I realized that I can do a FB live in that DKYDJ group, and in the spirit of providing value while receiving value, I thought I’d share two things. #1, my alarm clock (makes a HORRIBLE noise – one of those old school ones with bells – and I set it for a while after my phone’s lovely birdsong alarm. And I put it across the room. If I don’t get my ass out of bed, it SHRIEKS at me. “How does she get up at 4:30?!?” you ask? That’s how. I fucking hate that thing.

So! I’ll be sharing that as soon as I roll out of bed, in my lobster pajama pants, zero makeup on, in a video, because I’m so goddamn scared of putting videos online that I need to rip the bandaid off and get over myself. 

Hey ego? You have nowhere to hide. Thanks for trying to protect me, but I got this. 

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